Occupation code
Only use occupation codes from Statistics Norway’s directory of occupations. The occupation code is determined on the basis of the employee's duties, not their level of education or the type of position.
Brief information on occupation code
An occupation code is a 7-digit code which can be found in Statistics Norway’s directory of occupations (SSB)
Only these codes from Statistics Norway can be used. If you specify a code which does not exist in the directory (e.g. 0000 000 or 9999 999), the a-melding will be rejected.
The occupation code is determined by the employee’s specific duties, not their level of education or the type of position concerned. It is up to the employer to decide which occupation code is correct.
If you have questions regarding occupational codes, send them to [email protected].
Otto is a qualified plumber, but works as a school caretaker. For Otto, the code for caretaker, 5163 121, is the right one. Not the code for plumber, 7134 114.
Is it mandatory
Yes, you must specify an occupation code for all ordinary and maritime employment, and for freelancers, contractors and fee recipients.
You should not specify an occupation code if the employment type is pension or other non-employment benefits for example for persons only receiving expense allowance but no salary, fees etc.
When you must submit reports
State the occupation code the first time you report the employment and repeat this code every month up to and including the month in which you terminate the employment.
English job titles
The job titles in the directory of occupations are mainly based on Norwegian job titles. For employees with english job titles, find a suitable Norwegian job title in the directory of occupations and provide the code for this. As previously mentioned, the occupation code should be determined by the specific tasks of the job, and it is up to the employer to assess which job code is correct.
Occupation code for managers
Occupation codes for managers start with 1 in the first digit. These codes are used for employees who perform a broad range of managerial duties which entail professional, HR and financial responsibility. Professional management is not enough in itself. Don't use occupation code for managers if the manager uses most of his or her time participation in the joint production and there are few employees. Then you should state the occupation code that describes the work the manarger take part in.
Nora works as a fresh produce manager in a store. For Nora, the code 5221 135 “Fresh produce manager” or 5221 102 “Head of department (store)” will be the right one.
Per has his own carpenter company registered as an Ltd. He doesn't have any employees. He states 7421118 Carpenter as his own occupational code.
Several duties under a single employment relationship
If an employment relationship covers a number of duties, state the occupation code which concerns the duties on which the employee spends the most time. If the proportions are equal, select the code with the lowest number.
Switching duties
If an employee has switched duties since you last submitted an a-melding and you need to change the occupation code, state the new occupation from and including the month in which the employee’s duties changed.
Correcting errors
MAGNET_EDAG-115 Invalid occupation code |
MAGNET_EDAG-187-4 Employment information is incorrect |
MAGNET_EDAG-187-7 Employment information is missing |
MAGNET_EDAG-273 Employment information is missing |
MAGNET_EDAG-281 Employment information is missing |
MAGNET_EDAG-291 Employment information is missing |
If you have specified the wrong occupation code and not received an error message concerning this in the feedback (A03), you can correct the error in the next a-melding. You do not need to correct previously submitted a-meldings.
Emma works for a construction company as an apprentice joiner. An incorrect occupation code 7242 126 Product manager (alarm systems) was specified for her during the months from January to June.
In June, the construction company discovers that the code for apprentice joiners should actually be 7421 126. They must specify the correct code from and including the a-melding for June.
If you use a payroll system, please contact your system supplier if you are unsure how to correct reporting in your system.
What do we use the information for
Statistics Norway (SSB) uses the information in the preparation of statistics. Occupation code is a key variable in connection with salary negotiations and in the work to reduce sickness absence and improve the working environment.
NAV uses the information in statistics and when extracting samples of occupation groups.
Information on occupation code is transferred to the Aa Register. NAV distributes information concerning employment from the Aa Register to private and public sector companies and organisations that are permitted to receive it. Examples of such organisations are the Norwegian Tax Administration and the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority.
Applicable regulations
These regulations are only available in Norwegian.