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Guidance on how to complete and submit information for international reporting (CRS/FATCA)

Updated October 2023.

1       Short description

This guidance specifies:

  • who should submit information
  • which information has to be provided
  • how the statements are to be marked
  • other requirements and information regarding reporting

Financial institutions must fulfil the rules on international reporting and submit specified information to The Norwegian Tax Administration for automatic information exchange. The rules regarding international reporting must comply with the OECD’s  Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and the agreement between Norway and the USA to improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA (the FATCA agreement).

Guidance on investigation of where financial institutions must submit information, and what information to submit, you will find in “Guidance on investigation of where account holders are resident for tax purposes etc.”

If the declarant fails to fulfil the duty of disclosure, the Norwegian Tax Administration must react in accordance with section 14 in the Tax Administration Act regarding reactions and penalties.

2       Who should submit information

2.1     Financial institutions

The Tax Administration Act section 7-3 regulates which financial institutions must submit information, and what information to submit.

In the Tax Administration Regulation §§ 7-3-1, it is specified which requirements are imposed regarding the fulfilling of duty of disclosure. The regulations are systematised in sub-chapters A to . Some of these have general provisions, while some are only applicable to specified declarants and accounts.

3       How to register as a declarant

3.1     Registration in the Norwegian Tax Administration’s statement submitter register

To report to third party reporting schemes the declarants must register in the Norwegian Tax Administration’s statement submitter register via Altinn-form RF-1312 Tredjepartsopplysninger - nye opplysninger til oppgavegiverregisteret. The declarants must make sure that the contact details are updated at all times. Norwegian Tax Administration use contact details in the statement submitter register to, among others, give important information and invite to dialogue meetings.

3.2     Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN)

According to the Tax Administration Regulation section 7-3-1, Norwegian entities with a reporting obligation must register with the US tax authorities (IRS), which allocate a global identification number (GIIN). GIIN stands for Global Intermediary Identification Number. Registration is necessary in order to report exchanged information to the US tax authorities and takes place according to guidelines from the US tax authorities. American tax authorities use the contact information or the registration reminders. It's important that the registered information is updated in the event of changes.

3.3     Updating contact details

The Norwegian Tax Administration’s statement submitter register obtains the declarant’s organisation name and address automatically from the Register of Legal Entities in Brønnøysund. It’s therefore important for this information to be updated. You submit updated information by filling out Coordinated register notification.

The Norwegian Tax Administration sends out information letters and decisions to the declarants electronically in Altinn.  All those receiving new notifications in Altinn on behalf of the enterprise must have a registered e-mail address and a mobile number to receive text messages in Altinn. Complete “Your contact information for the enterprise" and "Notification addresses for the enterprise" under the enterprise‘s “profile" in Altinn.

To change contact details in The Norwegian Tax Administration’s statement submitter register, you must submit the Altinn-form RF-1312 Tredjepartsopplysninger - nye opplysninger til oppgavegiverregisteret. Use this form to provide information about the contact person’s name and telephone/mobile number and e-mail address when submitting third-party information, and to receive receipts and error messages.

4       How to submit third-party information

4.1     Form

Third-party information is submitted as a XML-file attachment by using the Altinn form RF-1301 Tredjepartsopplysninger som vedlegg. The file, which is uploaded in the form, must be in XML format which follows the Norwegian Tax Administration's specifications.

The declarants who do not submit third-party information as a file attachment must report via the scheme International reporting CRS/FATCA by filling out the form RF-1320 Internasjonal rapportering CRS/FATCA.

4.2     Identification of the statement

The delivery consists of one or more statements. The statements are divided from each other by the fields “income year”, “declarant”, “task owner” and “account number”. These indicators make the statement’s unique identification. The correct identifier must be used when deleting or replacing statements to avoid duplicate reporting.


The declarant is identified by the organisation number.

Task owner 

The task owner owns the account. The task owner is identified by the Norwegian national identity number, D number or the organisation number.

If the task owner does not have a national identity number or an organisation number, the declarant must state a unique value for task owner in the field Alternative identifier. The value is used as a unique key on the statement and is the basis for amendment/deletion of submitted information.

Account number

The account number is the number that identifies an account.

4.3     Labelling a statement for international reporting

When reporting finances and insurance policies that the Norwegian Tax Administration has to send to foreign tax authorities, the statement must be marked with “International reporting” – “CRS” – “[country code – two characters]”. If the information sent to US tax authorities, it must instead be marked with “International reporting” – “FATCA” – “US”.

The country codes used when reporting follows the international standard ISO-3166 (two characters). You’ll find valid country codes here


In the task for exchange, the task owner or the beneficial owner must be identified by a TIN (Tax identification number). List of authorities issuing TIN, you’ll find in the OECD's TIN overview.

Date of birth

Always report persons by the date of birth.

4.4     Feedback from the Norwegian Tax Administration

The declarants receive feedback in their Altinn inbox when the Norwegian Tax Administration has processed the information. If you’ve provided a mobile number or an e-mail address in the submission, you’ll be notified by text or e-mail when the feedback has arrived.

It’s important to check the feedback on receipt, to ensure that you correct any errors in the submitted statements as soon as possible.

If you’ve not received feedback within a couple of days, you must contact us. You can contact us via e-mail: [email protected].

4.5     Correct statements

You can correct a previously submitted statement by submitting a new statement with the same values in the identification fields. A new statement will then over write the previously submitted statement.

4.6     Correct statements with wrong identifier

If there is an error in one or more of the indicator fields in a previously submitted statement, this statement must be explicitly deleted. This means that you must submit a statement with the correct values and a deletion statement, in order to delete the statement that was incorrect. The deletion statement must have the same identification fields as the incorrect statement.

4.7     Delete statement

You delete a previously submitted statement by submitting a deletion statement (<sletteoppgave>) with the same unique identifier as the statement you want to delete.

4.8     Examples of correction and deletion of statement

With new and complete statements in the examples below, all necessary information in the new statement must be prefilled, in addition to the unique ID (the key) and the correction of the value in the field or fields containing incorrect value.

See also "Beskrivelse av filformatet“, explaining how to correct and delete the statements.

Example 1 (incorrect amount):

The first submission contains 1,000 statements. You find out that 40 statements contain incorrect amounts.

New submission (correction):

A new delivery consisting of 40 statements with the same unique ID and corrected amount. The 40 corrected statements replace the 40 originally submitted statements in their entirety, and a total of 1,000 statements are declared to the Norwegian Tax Administration.

Example 2 (mistake):

A statement has been submitted with a national identity number belonging to the wrong person (mistake).

New submission (correction):

The entire statement for this person must be deleted. At the same time, a new and complete statement must be submitted with the correct national identity number and amount.

Example 3 (duplicate):
Several statements in one submission contain the same unique ID (duplicates). All the statements with the same unique ID in a delivery are rejected in the Norwegian Tax Administration’s system. Rejected Statements in the duplicate check are presented in the feedback from the Norwegian Tax Administration (see “Feedback from the Norwegian Tax Administration).

New submission (correction):

In order to correct a task owner who has been rejected in the duplicate check, a new statement must be submitted for the task owner with the correct total amount.

Example 4 (unidentified third-party information):

Submitted statements with invalid or missing national identity number, D number or organisation number will be rejected. The statements must be re-submitted with the correct national identity number, D number or organisation number (see “Correct identification of the statement”).

Example 5 (deleting):

Previously submitted statements can be deleted by submitting a deletion statement (<sletteoppgave>) with the same unique identifier as the statement that is to be deleted.

4.9     Errors in submitted deliveries

A rejected submission will appear at the feedback from the Norwegian Tax Administration. Rejected submissions can be due to there being too many errors or discrepancies in submitted statements, or the fact that the stated submission types in the submission are incorrect or absent.

Contact the Norwegian Tax Administration if you have any questions about how to correct errors. You can contact us via e-mail: [email protected].

4.10   Re-submission

If you want to submit all the statements in a new submission, you have to contact the Norwegian Tax Administration. Deliveries deleted afterwards, are seen as not submitted. This means that if the first statement is deleted, the second one is seen as the first submission when it comes to the deadline.

4.11   Delete a previously submitted statement

If you wish to delete a previously submitted statement, this can be done directly in Altinn form RF-1320 Internasjonal rapportering CRS/FATCA, or via a file attachment in RF-1301 Tredjepartsopplysninger som vedlegg.

When correcting a statement, it’s not necessary to delete the previously submitted statement. It’s the last reported statement that is the current one.

Delete a statement via Altinn form RF-1320

In the Altinn form, the selection “Delete statement” is used. You choose delete one or more statements. The unique identifier for the statement to be deleted is registered here.

When the Norwegian Tax Administration receives this statement, previous statements with the same unique statement identifier within the same income year will be deleted.

Delete a statement via Altinn form RF-1301

Submission of deletion statement in file attachments, see “Description of the file format”. You can use a deletion statement in file attachments, no matter how the original statement is submitted.

You can submit a replacement statement with the same unique ID as the original statement, and with all the amounts set to zero. All compulsory fields must be completed.

4.12   Description of the file format

The format description shows how to structure an XML file for reporting third-party information. See Formats and technical specifications

Declarants who are going to report via the Altinn form RF-1301 Third-party information as an attachment must use the format description.

5       The duty of disclosure

5.1   Account holders etc. that are resident for tax purposes in another countries

The declarants must give information on account holders and beneficial owners. The duty of disclosure is concerning the account the declarant manages. See "Guidance on investigation of where account holders are resident for tax purposes etc.“ About reporting account holders and beneficial owners.

5.1.1  Account holders

The duty of disclosure covers all account holders who are individuals resident abroad for tax purposes. A person can be resident in several countries for tax purposes, and the duty of disclosure will then apply to each of the countries in question. The duty of disclosure also covers American citizens regardless of where they are resident.

The duty of disclosure covers account holders that are companies etc. resident abroad for tax purposes. A company etc. can be resident in several countries for tax purposes, and the duty of disclosure will then cover each of these countries.

5.1.2  Beneficial owners

Beneficial owners are individuals who, in the last instance, own or control an entity. Only natural persons can be beneficial owners. The duty of disclosure includes beneficial owners who are resident for tax purposes in Norway or abroad, and beneficial owners who are American citizens. A beneficial owner can be resident in several countries for tax purpose, and the duty of disclosure will then apply to each of the countries in question.

For the income year 2023, private limited companies considered as financial institutions due to the Tax Administration Regulation, section 7-3-6, is considered to have fulfilled their duty of disclosure on Norwegian beneficial owners registered in the shareholder register statement. In cases where information on beneficial owners do not appear in the shareholder register statements because the account holder/owner is one or several Norwegian companies, the duty of disclosure will however be fulfilled, when the Norwegian Tax Administration by having information on the companies and the shareholders in the shareholder register statements, also have information on the beneficial owner(s). This will for example be relevant if a Norwegian limited liability company X is owned by another Norwegian limited liability company Y, which is owned by a Norwegian natural person. If it’s not possible to track the beneficial owner(s) through the shareholder register statement, the financial institution is obligated to deliver information via the third party scheme where the account/product is reported to the Norwegian Tax Administration or to "Financial Products" if the account holder has not been reported to one of the tax authority's third-party arrangements previously .Such case can be when you have an alternative investment fund with a Norwegian company as investor, where a large owner share of the Norwegian company is owned by a foreign trust with Norwegian beneficial owners (for example Norwegian beneficial or founder).

Limited liability companies with foreign investors, account holders and beneficial owners, must always report this.

5.2     Exemptions from the duty of disclosure - applies only to FATCA

If the aggregate balance in depository accounts owned or controlled by an individual who is resident for tax purposes in the USA or is an American citizen does not exceed USD 50,000 at the end of the income year, it is not necessary to mark the accounts with the American country code when reporting. This applies only to deposit accounts and not to savings products such as stocks, mutual fund units, share savings accounts, etc.

6       Which information has to be provided

6.1     The information must include:

The reporting obligation applies from the income year in which it’s determined that the account holder or beneficial owner is resident for tax purposes or resident abroad, or an American citizen. The amount must be stated gross. The duty of disclosure applies irrespective of amount, although there are exemptions.

The information must include:

The declarant’s

  • name
  • address
  • organisation number
  • global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN)

Names of account holders and beneficial owners etc.

  • name
  • address with country code
  • national ID number or D number
  • Norwegian national identity number, D number or organisation number
  • country code showing where account holders and beneficial owners are resident for tax purposes or domiciled, and if they are American citizen
  • foreign identification number with country code (TIN)

The product’s or the insurance policy’s

  • account number, agreement number or other number where the product is registered
  • balance or capital value at the end of the income year, including cash value for life insurance
  • interest
  • dividend
  • other income or payment, including payment from insurance agreement
  • proceeds from sale
  • country code showing where account holders and beneficial owners are resident for tax purposes or domiciled, and if they are American citizen
  • account holder type where the account holder is not an actual person

6.2     Other requirements regarding the information


State name in the fields “first name”, “middle name” and “last name”. First name, middle name and last name must not be included in one of the fields. A mononyms can use the value NFN in the field for “first name” and state the name in the field for “last name”. The value NFN must not be used in other cases.


Duty of disclosure must collect the address from the account holder. The address must be the current residential address registered for the duty of disclosure. There are no exceptions for the account holders having confidential or secret address. When there is no attached residential address to the account holder, including where the person has confidential or secret address, you can use the postal address used for correspondence or other purposes for reporting.

Value of the account in foreign currency and Norwegian kroner (NOK)

You must state all amounts in the account’s currency and in Norwegian kroner. You must also state amounts in a foreign currency with a currency code. When converting amounts in foreign currency to Norwegian kroner, you must use Norges Bank’s (Central bank of Norway) rates or other public exchange rates in accordance with applicable rate per 31 of December in the income year.

When closing an account

You must also submit information for the income year in which an account is closed, and specify that the account has been closed. If a closed account has been marked with a US country code, you must state the balance or value immediately before closing the account. The balance or value immediately before closing the account must be reported in special field for this purpose.

Accounts no longer considered reportable, without being closed, shall not be reported as closed. This applies to accounts no longer deemed reportable because of the account holder no longer being a tax resident outside of Norway, account holder being deceased, or the account holder having rescinded his/her American citizenship and documented this to the reporting financial institution.

About gross proceeds

Gross proceeds are the total amount paid or credited when a taxpayer sells shares etc. or redeems funds held on account. When reporting, commission may be deducted when calculating the gross proceeds.

About cash value

The cash value is the largest amount to which the policy holder is entitled to

  • in the event of a redemption or termination of the contract (without deductions for redemption fees or associated loans), or
  • the amount that the policy holder can borrow in accordance with/association with the insurance agreement

The cash value does not cover amounts that can be paid out according to an insurance agreement in the event of an individual’s death, injury, etc. For insurance agreements/annuities other than “Unit links”, the cash value does not cover the repayment of paid premiums as a result of the termination of the insurance agreement, a lower risk or the correction of faults. Dividends to policy holders (apart from dividends in the event of redemption/termination) will not be counted as cash value when the dividend relates to an insurance agreement where the only payments are linked to an individual’s death, injury, etc. Repayment of advance premiums or premium deposits is not counted as cash value when the premium has to be paid annually or more frequently, and the amount paid in does not exceed the premium that is to be paid in the following year according to the insurance agreement.

Account number

All statements must have an account number or another number that gives a unique identification of the relevant account holder’s agreement/account and its balance and interest. Declarants that do not operate with an account number, or other agreement number, must establish this. Statements with no content or with a missing element as regards account number will be rejected, and you must report the statement again. The declarant can construct a number. There are no limits as regards the number of characters or length. You must report each individual account separately. You cannot report the same number in the element for account number for the same account holder.

Product types

The following finance products are allowed in the third party scheme:

  • ETF-A
  • ETF-R
  • ETN
  • warrants
  • innskudd/utlaan (deposits/loans)
  • aksjer (shares)
  • obligasjoner (bonds)
  • verdipapirfond (securities)
  • derivater (derivatives)
  • tegningsretter (subscription rights)
  • kryptovaluta (digital currency)
  • kontanter (cash)
  • annet (other)

Identification number for account holder not resident/domiciled in Norway

If the task owner has a Norwegian national identity number or a D number, this must always be used. Companies, organisations, etc., that have been allocated a Norwegian organisation number must always be reported with this.

You must report personal taxpayers missing Norwegian national identity number or D number as following:

  • The birth date, must be reported in a separate element together with eleven zeroes in the field for national identity number. The full name and foreign address must be reported, together with the correct country code.

The full name and address must be reported, together with the correct country code.

For foreign account holders, in addition to the above method for reporting owners that are not resident in Norway, you can add a foreign identifier. The identifier must be of a type similar to TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). You must also specify the country code for the issuer of the identifier. 

Statements reported without a full national identity number, D-number or organisation number will always be unidentified, and they will appear on the error list the statement submitter receives along with the delivery acknowledgement.

Through agreements, Norway is obliged to exchange information with tax authorities in other countries. Even if a statement is unidentified, it can be exchanged with other countries. Declarants are obliged to collect identifying information on the account holder resident for tax purposes or domiciled abroad.

7.      More about TIN (taxpayer Identification Number)

TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) is an identification number used by the tax authorities.  In Norway, we use three different types of TIN. These three types are national identity number, D number and organisation number. Norwegian identifiers are only to be used in specified fields and are not to be used as a placeholder for an international identifier.

7.1     TIN in the case of reporting after FATCA-rules

An account with an American account holder or American beneficial owner must from and including the income year 2020 be identified with an American identity number. Declarants not identifying their account holders or beneficial owners with an American identification number might impose sanctions by the American authorities. This applies regardless of when the account was established or if there is imposed sanctions pursuant to the Tax Administration Act.

Note that all American accounts reported without a valid American identity number, or a valid 9-digit code as specified below will be rejected. The reporting duty will be considered as not fulfilled if the record is rejected.

For FATCA, the TIN-format must be one of these three:

  • nine following numeric numbers or other separators (for example “123456789”)
  • nine numeric numbers with two hyphens, one hyphen after the third number and a hyphen after the fifth number (for example “123-45-6789”)
  • nine numeric numbers with one hyphen after the second number (for example


In regards to American accounts without U.S. TIN for 2023

The U.S. tax authorities updated their guidelines for reporting Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for existing accounts on January 27, 2023. Existing accounts are those established before July 1, 2014. Reporting financial institutions may be considered to fulfil their reporting obligations without reporting U.S. TIN for existing accounts if they meet the following requirements:

1. Report the date of birth for all U.S. account holders and U.S. beneficial owners.

2. Request the U.S. TIN annually from any U.S. account holder if it has not been obtained previously.

3. Conduct an annual search through electronic records for U.S. TINs from U.S. account holders.

4. Report U.S. accounts with missing TINs using placeholder codes, as specified further below, instead of a valid U.S. TIN.

5. Request U.S. account holders to provide their U.S. TIN through the communication method deemed most appropriate by the financial institution, using one of the following two options:

     a. Include a link to the U.S. Department of State's Frequently Asked Questions about FATCA (

     b. Provide a copy of the Frequently Asked Questions as described in option a. or:

          i. Provide a copy of the IRS's relief procedures for certain categories of former U.S. citizens.

          ii. Provide the internet address for the relief procedures: (

6. Retains the procedures and routines used to meet the requirements for the use of placeholder codes as described in Notice 2023-11 until the end of the 2028 tax year.

Refer to Notice 2023-11 ( for more information on the provisions regarding the use of placeholder codes for existing U.S. accounts.

The use of these codes is mandatory for reporting existing accounts (established before July 1, 2014) without a valid U.S. TIN starting from the 2023 tax year. Furthermore, the use of these codes does not exempt reporting financial institutions from possible sanctions. The use of the codes assumes that the reporting financial institution documents and retains the procedures and routines used to meet the requirements for the use of placeholder codes as described in Notice 2023-11 until the end of the 2028 tax year. These codes provide the U.S. tax authorities with context for why the TIN is missing, and the U.S. tax authorities will take this into account when considering sanctions. The TIN codes that can be used are as follows:

  • 222222222 - Account established before July 1, 2014, where the account holder is an individual, and the only indicator is a U.S. birthplace. This code should be used if the requirements for the other codes are met, except for code 000222111.
  • 000222111 - Deposit account established before July 1, 2014, where the only indicator is a U.S. birthplace. In addition, the financial institution must verify that the account holder is tax resident in the jurisdiction where the account is held, based on information obtained in accordance with anti-money laundering regulations. This code should always be used if the account also meets the requirements for one of the other placeholder codes.
  • 333333333 - Account established after July 1, 2014, where the account holder is an individual, and (1) the only indicator is a U.S. birthplace, and (2) either:
  1. the underlying circumstances have changed, rendering the original self-certification incorrect or unreliable, and a new self-certification has not been obtained, or
  2. the account balance/value was below the reporting threshold at the time, but the threshold has been exceeded without a valid self-certification being obtained.
  • 444444444 - Account established before July 1, 2014, where the account holder is an individual or entity that (1) has U.S. indicators other than a U.S. birthplace and (2) either:
  1. the underlying circumstances have changed, rendering the original self-certification incorrect or unreliable, and a new valid self-certification has not been obtained, or
  2. the account balance/value was below the reporting threshold at the time, but the threshold has been exceeded without a valid self-certification being obtained.
  • 555555555 - Account established after July 1, 2014, where the account holder is an individual or entity that has U.S. indicators other than a U.S. birthplace and (2) either:
  1. the underlying circumstances have changed, rendering the original self-certification incorrect or unreliable, and a new valid self-certification has not been obtained, or
  2. the account balance/value was below the reporting threshold at the time, but the threshold has been exceeded without a valid self-certification being obtained.
  • 666666666 - Account established before July 1, 2014, where the account holder is an entity classified as a passive non-financial institution with a balance/value over USD 1,000,000, no self-certification has been obtained, and there are no U.S. beneficial owners.
  • 777777777 - Account established before July 1, 2014, where the U.S. TIN is not available, the account is inactive, but exceeds the thresholds for marking as an inactive account according to the tax administration regulations § 7-3-9, first paragraph
  • 999999999 - Any account where the reporting financial institution cannot obtain a TIN, and none of the other codes apply. The use of this code indicates to the U.S. tax authorities that the institution has conducted its review of accounts without a U.S. TIN and has used the codes on accounts that meet the requirements for each respective code.

7.2     EU-TIN

The European Commission has made available a TIN online check module for the member states’ TIN, called TIN Online Check Module. The service makes it possible to validate if the EU-TIN is stated in accordance with the member state’s structure and specifications, online or with the possibility for integration in for example a customer care system.

7.3     Exemptions for reporting foreign identification number

If a country does not issue a relevant identity number or does not require that the information must contain an identity number, it’s not necessary for the information to contain the account holder’s/beneficial owner’s foreign identity number.

Declarants that do not have account holders’/beneficial owners’ foreign identity number must instead report their date of birth and the foreign address. All U.S. accounts established after July 1, 2014, and all other accounts established after January 1, 2016, must be reported with a foreign identification number, if the jurisdiction issues a tax identification number.

8       Marking statements - applies only to companies, not persons

When the account holder or beneficial owner is resident or domiciled for tax purposes abroad, or is an American citizen, the account and the account holder must be marked with account holder type and the country code for the account holder and the beneficial owner. The type of account holder indicates what type of additional information you should exchange together with the account holder, for example beneficial owners. By stating type of account holder, the information will be validated so that the statement will appear complete for exchanging. The account holder type states if the legal person is seen as a passive non-financial entity (NFE) or not.

8.1     FATCA

If the account holder is a company etc., the account must be marked as follows in FATCA reporting:

  • FATCA102 – Passive NFFE with one or more genuine American (USA) beneficial owners
  • FATCA104 – Specified American person

FATCA102 is used when information is provided about finances and insurance policies with an American beneficial owner.

New for 2023

The use of FATCA102 where the account holder is not American ,but an Norwegian/other passive non-financial institution, must be reported without the use of the elements regarding "utenlandsk Identifikator" (foregin ID).

FATCA104 is used when a company etc. is the account holder resident in the USA. Not all finances and insurance policies held by American companies etc. have to be reported, see “Guidance on investigation of where account holders are resident for tax purposes etc.

You can find FATCA101, FATCA103 and FATCA105 in the American format, but these are not relevant for Norwegian declarants. You should not use these codes when reporting to the Norwegian Tax Administration.

8.2     CRS

If the account holder is a company etc., the account must be marked as follows in CRS- reporting:

  • CRS101 – Passive NFE (non-financial entity) with one or more beneficial owners who are a reportable person for CRS
  • CRS102 – Reportable person for CRS
  • CRS103 – Passive NFE (non-financial entity) that is a reportable person for CRS
  • Country codes for recipient countries other than the USA (two characters)
  • CRS801 to CRS813 – Marking of beneficial owners’ role in companies etc.

CRS101 is used when information is provided about finances and insurance policies with foreign beneficial owners. This applies when a beneficial owner has to be reported, regardless of whether the company etc. that is the account holder is resident for tax purposes in Norway or abroad.

CRS102 is used when a company etc. is the account holder resident in another country. However, not all finances and insurance policies that are owned or controlled by foreign companies etc. have to be specifically marked.

CRS103 is used when a company etc. that is the account holder is resident in another country and considered passive, but no information is reported about beneficial owners to the country where the account holder is resident for tax purposes. Note that marking of account holders with CRS103 is depending on the information about account holders and beneficial owners to be reported to another country than where the account holder is resident if the beneficial owners are included in the duty of disclosure. CRS103 and CRS101 can occur on the same account holder. Account holder and beneficial owner are then exchanged to the jurisdiction specified under account holder type CRS101, while only the account holder is exchanged with the jurisdiction specified under account holder type CRS103. In the event that the account holder and the beneficial owner are tax residents in the same jurisdiction only the account holder type CRS101 is required.

The country codes used when reporting follows the international standard ISO-3166 (two characters) You’ll find valid country codes here

When information is available, beneficial owners must be marked as follows:

CRS801 = beneficial owner in legal person – ownership

CRS802 = beneficial owner in legal person – other role

CRS803 = beneficial owner in legal person – leader (senior managing official)

CRS804 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – trust – settlor

CRS805 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – trust – trustee

CRS806 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – trust – protector

CRS807 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – trust – beneficiary

CRS808 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – trust – other

CRS809 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – other – founder or similar

CRS810 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – other – trustee or similar

CRS811 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – other – protector or similar

CRS812 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – other – beneficiary etc.

CRS813 = beneficial owner in legal entity/association – other – other etc.

9       Undocumented account

The statement must be marked as an undocumented account, when it contains information about an account opened before 1 January 2016 and where the account holder is registered with a c/o address or a hold mail address as their only address. The statement must be marked as an undocumented account regardless of the held amount or value. If the value has exceeded USD 1,000,000 at the end of an income year, the account information must be reviewed each year in order to attempt to determine where the account holder is resident for tax purposes, and the account must be marked for exchange with the American country code.

10     The amount items

You must specify amount items in NOK with two decimals. The amount must be rounded to the nearest whole NOK (normal rounding rules). If an amount item is less than NOK 0.5, you should specify NOK 0.

For a more detailed description of the fields, see “Description of the file format for submitting information to the Norwegian Tax Administration.”

11     Annual statement

The taxpayer must receive a copy of the information reported to the Norwegian Tax Administration within 15 February in the year after the income year.

The annual statement must contain the same information about identification and stated amounts reported to the Norwegian Tax Administration.

The annual statement must include:

  • name and national identity number/organisation number of the taxpayer
  • name and organisation number of the declarant
  • overview of reported information on the taxpayer
  • notification that the same information is sent to the Norwegian Tax Administration and marked for exchange to any specified recipient countries

item-/topic reference to the tax return