Changing the basis for calculating property tax

Property tax is a tax you pay to the municipality. If your residential property is located in a municipality that uses the Tax Administration’s calculated market value, the basis for calculating the property tax is obtained from your tax return.

The basis for the property tax is obtained from your tax return from two years ago. In 2024, the basis for the property tax was obtained from your 2022 tax return.

Read what applies when you represent a housing association or a housing company.

If there are two or more owners of the residential property, each owner must change their tax return. All owners must enter the same information about the property before we send a new basis to the municipality.

What you need to do

Answer a few questions to get information about how you can change the basis for property tax.

Important information

Du må betale eiendomsskatten innen forfallsdato selv om du har endret skattemeldingen din.

Kommunen vil få nytt grunnlag for å beregne eiendomsskatt etter at endringen er gjennomført.