You owned shares and/or other financial products during 2024
If you’ve owned financial products during 2024 (e.g. shares, bonds, currency, derivatives, etc.), they should be pre-filled in your tax return. If the numbers are incorrect or are not pre-filled, you must make changes and submit the tax return.
Does this apply to me?
This applies to all who have gains, losses and dividends from and capital in the form of shares and other financial products.
Gains/losses and dividend
Gains and losses on shares are taxable for the amount that exceeds the deductible risk-free return. The tax rate for 2024 is 37,84 percent.
The deduction for risk-free return is a deduction that reduces your taxable share income so that you pay less tax. Find the deduction for risk-free return, which indicates the amount of dividend or gain that you can receive tax-free.
Losses on sale of shares are deductible. The tax rate for 2024 is 37,84 percent.
Read more about tax rules for gains/losses linked to realisations and share dividends and the shareholder model.
Wealth on shares is granted a valuation discount of 20 percent for the income year 2024.
The portion of shares in the fund decides how the fund’s distribution is taxed. According to the rules, distributions related to interest income must be taxed as interest income, while distributions related to share income must be taxed as share dividend. An established standard method is used to determine how great a part of the yield is considered related to shares.
Taxation of shareholders:
- Distribution from a securities fund with a share component exceeding 80 percent is taxed as share dividend.
- Distribution from a securities fund with a share component of less than 20 percent is taxed as interest income.
- Distribution from a securities fund with a share component of between 20 and 80 percent is divided into one part that is taxed as share dividend, and one part that is taxed as interest. The ratio is determined based on the share component.
The portion that is considered share dividends follows the tax rates for taxable share income, see above.
The part that is considered interest is taxed at a rate of 22 percent.
Funds that consists solely of shares, equity funds, are taxed at a rate of 37,84 percent for 2024. Interest funds are taxed at rate of 22 percent.
Upon the sale of a combination fund, you must divide gains/losses in one share component and one interest component. In order to find the share component, you must use the average share component in the years of purchase (acquisition year) and sale (realisation year).
Read more about units in securities funds.
Bonds are taxed for gains/losses and yield at a tax rate of 22 percent.
Derivatives, options and other financial products
Other financial products, such as derivatives and options, are taxed at a rate of 22 percent. Losses are deductible at the same rate.
See the guide Skatte-ABC (in Norwegian only) for a more detailed description of the different financial products and the applicable rules.
How do I enter this in my tax return?
Most Norwegian shares and foreign shares listed on Oslo Stock Exchange are pre-filled in your tax return. For these shares, you’ve received the Shareholder’s tax report (RF-1088) from the Tax Administration.
Norwegian banks and other financial institutions will have to report more of your financial products to the Tax Administration, so that they will be pre-filled in your tax return. In particular, this will apply to foreign shares held in depots by Norwegian financial institutions.
If the numbers are pre-filled in the tax return and they are correct, you do not have to do anything.
If information is missing from your tax return or the pre-filled information is incorrect, you must make changes yourself directely in your tax return.
The tax return on paper
If you submit the tax return on paper, and information about your financial products is missing, you must report this in your tax return. If the amounts in your tax return are pre-filled and correct, it is not necessary to do anything.