Rate for:

Employer's national insurance contributions

Employer's national insurance contributions are taxes which employers must pay for their employees as part of the financing of the National Insurance scheme.

The tax is regionally differentiated. Each municipality is assigned to a zone with associated differentiated contribution rates.

The tax is paid on pay and other taxable remuneration for work and assignments in and outside of an employment relationship.

The tax rates are set by the Norwegian Parliament every year:

Zone Ordinary industries Agriculture and fisheries
I 14.1 % 14.1 %
Ia* 14.1 % 10.6 %
II 10.6 % 10.6 %
III 6.4 % 6.4 %
IV 5.1 % 5.1 %
IVa 7.9 % 5.1 %
V 0 0

* In zone 1a, employer's national insurance contributions are payable at the rate of 10.6 %, until

the difference between

- what the enterprise actually pays in employer's contributions


- what the enterprise would have paid in contributions at the rate of 14.1%

equals the tax-free amount.

For 2025, the tax-free amount is NOK 850,000 per enterprise.