Simplified a-melding for charitable organisations and non-profit institutions

This service is intended for charitable organisations that engage a private individual to carry out an assignment where the salary expense is not part of commercial activity. 

Use the service to provide information about salary and advance tax deductions for employees when: 

the salary expenses per employee do not exceed NOK 80,000 during the year 

the total salary expenses for all employees do not exceed NOK 800,000 during the year 

If the payments exceed the amounts above, you must not use this service. In this case, you must submit an ordinary a-melding (via a pay roll system or directly on If you have already used this service and it turns out that you’re exceeding the limits, you can use the service for the rest of the year. 

You do not need to submit an a-melding for payments that do not exceed NOK 10,000 per employee during the year. 

The service is intended for charitable organisations and non-profit institutions. 

To use the service, you need one of the following roles in Altinn: 

  • Reporter/sender 
  • Accountant with signing rights 
  • Accountant without signing rights 
  • Accountant Salary 
  • Responsible auditor 
  • Assistant auditor 

You can find more information and an overview of all Altinn roles here 

You can check the roles assigned to you on the profile page. If you do not have the necessary rights, you must ask someone who has the role to delegate it to you. 

If you’re not familiar with reporting in Altinn, see the help pages. 

The deadline for submission is no later than the first working day after the salary payment.  

Pay the advance tax deduction to the Tax Administration using a separate KID number, on the same day as you submit the a-melding. 

Summary/annual statement 
If you submit the simplified a-melding for charitable organisations and non-profits institutions, you do not need to submit an annual summary/annual statement to the employee. 

  • Select the organisation number for the organisation you’ll be representing.
  • Select the correct sub-entity for the entity in the drop-down list, if the enterprise does not have a sub-entity, select «submit as main entity». 
  • Select «submit a new a-melding on the overview page.  
  • Enter the name of the person who has received the payment and their national identity number and national registration number.  
  • Then enter the date for salary payment and click «continue».
  • Enter the remaining information in the form. 
  • Click «continue».
  • Check the information, advance tax deduction and any employer's national insurance contributions.  
  • Tick the box to confirm that the information provided is correct.  
  • Click «submit a-melding».


The employee must receive a printout of the payslip. 

  • Start at the overview of the sub-entity.  
  • Find the a-melding you're going to correct in the overview. 
  • Click «edit the a-melding».
  • Correct your information and submit the new a-melding.

If you’re replacing an a-melding you’ve already submitted, the new a-melding must be complete. The new a-melding overwrites all the information from the a-melding you’re replacing

If you have entered the incorrect month in the field «payment date» or are going to delete all the information you’ve submitted in an a-melding, you must delete all the information except national identity number, name and payment date in the a-melding you want to delete/cancel. 

  • Find the a-melding in the overview.  
  • Click «edit the a-melding».  
  • Delete all information in the a-melding except name, national identity number, payment date, start date and end date 
  • Tick the box to confirm that the organisation should not pay employer's national insurance contributions.
  • Click «continue».  
  • Confirm that the information is correct and submit the a-melding.