Important information

Vil du hjelpe oss med å bli bedre? Vi jobber med å gjøre det lettere å finne fram. Er du næringsdrivende og har 5-10 minutter til en kort test?

VAT return: View, change and submit

All enterprises that are registered in the Value Added Tax Register must submit the VAT return. When the VAT return has been correctly completed, it will show how much value added tax the enterprise must pay to the state, or how much the state must pay to the enterprise.

You can fill in and submit a VAT return if you have one of these roles:

  • Limited signing rights
  • Contact person NUF
  • Accountant with signing rights

If you have one of these roles, you can fill in the VAT return, but not submit it:

  • Responsible auditor
  • Accounting employee
  • Accountant without signing rights
  • Assistant auditor

Read more about roles and rights at Altinn.

Find out where to submit your VAT return

Hvis du ønsker å endre noe, skal du alltid sende inn en ny mva-melding.

Hvis du skal gjøre endringer for terminer før 1. januar 2022 for alminnelig næring og primærnæring, gjør du dette i Altinn.

Hvis du skal gjøre endringer for terminer før 1. januar 2023 for omvendt avgiftsplikt, gjør du dette i Altinn.